Somebody left these for us in the design room... They taste like Abraham made them himself lol... maddd dry
Friday, February 26, 2010
A couple things I'd be lost without
This notebook and my blackberry.... I've got the longest "To Do" list in this book. I can say it runs my life lol. I'm not gonna crack it open for ya'll yet tho. Just know that I have some creative magic in the making... (evil laugh)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thanks Zoila... lol
So one day, I randomly got sent this pic. It's from Jess's oldest sister, Zoila, and the caption was.. "I just wanted to show you that I was down" haha

Sometimes Nica sends me random pictures of Gavi causing trouble or just being funny. I couldnt really figure out what she did in this pic at first but you can tell it was something bad.

Nica said she took the powder and emptied it everywhere... If you look in the mirror you can see her standing in a huge pile of it on the ground. smh lol
Las Angeles/ Santa Monica Beach
lunch with the French guys-- they own a store in Paris called Flavor Park. Check it out:


Monday, February 22, 2010
My first In-N-Out burger
It was aight but idk if I would hype it the way people were hyping it to me. I had it "animal style" tho. There might have been too much on the burger. And the friesssss..... yuck.

Sunday, February 7, 2010
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