Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cool product: Nature Toothbrush

BB & iPod pics

Avery's first birthday

Dessert at Nobu. I was so mad at this. I was ready to eat some chocolate cake and couldn't find it.
Gavi on Jarid's shoulders. NYC 

I don't know if you can really notice behind the trees to the left, but there was a fire in Central park a few weeks ago, and there's a fireman trying to put it out. The in-person view was amazing.

 The "Chicago" sign in Chicago... waddya know lol
 Gotham City
 My dad  put me onto this honey. It tastes very potent, but is said to be very good for an energy boost and health.
 Out on the deck, listening to the birds
 This painting inspired me. I saw it in the lobby of my hotel in ATL.
 I ran into an old college friend in Miami! What are the odds that I'd run into you Donavan?? lol
 Yayy, I finally made it to Houston to visit my good friend, Tis. It took me years, but I'm so glad I made it.
 Artwork in Philly
 Gavi's drawing of her and I :)
 What you know about this? #bangin
 Gavi on the mechanical bus ride. This thing moved a total of 4 inches back and forth lol. She loved it tho.
Jess's new puppy, Maggie. Sooooo cute!

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Unaware - Allen Stone - Live From His Mother's Living Room

Thanks for sending this to me Ebony. When I saw the still shot of the video I def assumed I was going to hear a different genre of music. He's singing some truth aint he? lol I'm feeling it... I'll be playing this all day. I'm getting back into blogging, btw.

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