When I travel, I try to take a lot of photos but only end up showing a few of them. Even though I've been to China about 7 times already, I still manage to see some things that gives me a bit of a culture shock.... other things I see are just different so they just get marked off as "cool" lol. Here's a few photos from my most recent trip:
I saw this after we landed at Hong Kong Airport. I'm not sure what it is. I'm assuming its an old phone. Looks cool.
The next morning, we got picked up from the hotel by a couple of girls who were supposed to take us to the material markets and be our translators. I was surprised and happy to see that one of them was wearing a pair of sneaker wedges that I designed :) ... It looks like she wears them a lot too!
The next morning, we had to fly out to Putian, and on the flight they served us some "food". I have no idea what this was and the other things were a cheese & bacon flavored cream bun, and milk. Needless to say, I was hungry when we landed smh.
I was excited to find out that the Double Tree they were building finally opened down the street from the office. And YES, they still gave us the free cookie at check- in. Whew... I was starving.
The view looked so nice at night.
A pic from the next morning, in front of the office. I mentioned, during one of my previous trips, how old people in China seem to be much stronger than the ones in the US. You will hardly ever catch an old woman trying to carry big bags like this in the states. You can't really see that well, but she has some foldable carts hanging off of the far left end of the pole. I've seen old ladies out here pulling wagons like they were horses. Its no joke. It must be all of the fresh food they eat.
Meet my friend, Sally :). She's one of the developers that we work with. She was the one who gave me the Chinese herbal tea blend.
We spend a lot of time on the road, traveling back and forth to the factories. This is one of the mansions I noticed on the side of a mountain. I would love to just go inside for a tour.
I'm always seeing something strange on the menus. I can't with the flesh & blood!
I saw a witch's broom at one of the factories. The branches still had leaves on them. It just looked like a prop from a movie to me.
We went to a Chinese wedding while we were out there. This is what we were greeted with, when we walked into the lobby of the reception. Everything was decorated beautifully.
The tables were extravagant. There were so many and there had to be AT LEAST 500 guests. The bride and groom were both the children of factory owners so they invited EVERYONE to come celebrate.
There were a couple things that they served us for dinner that night that didn't agree with my eyes. I tasted the top dish, which wasn't an animal. It's actually a sea cucumber and it tasted like the broth that it was cooked in. Not bad. The bottom pic was some duck soup. Do you see that curled up piece of meat hang ing off of the bone? Its the ducks neck!!! Ahh!! Yes, I was grossed out, and no, I did not taste it.
On our way back from the wedding, I happened see this this car. It says "Spirior" but I think its supposed to say Superior. Just an observation lol
Mmm.... I had to put a pic of this pizza up because I never had anything like it before. Its a tuna and garlic pizza with tomato sauce, cheese, and a green leaf. I want to say its arugula, but I'm not sure. All I know is it was soooooooo good!
At the end of our trip, we always have to fly out to Hong Kong before flying back to the US. This is what I saw in the airport. Its pretty expensive, so dried fish bladders must be a delicacy. #cultureshock
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