Sunday, November 8, 2009

My 2nd Test Shoot: Nova da Coverboi

I shot recording artist, Nova da Coverboi at ALLSMiLES this afternoon. The goal of the shoot was to get 2 good shots for Nova's mixtape cover, "White Wine". I think I got a few. I don't think I did too bad for my second shoot. Slinky came to help me out with the lighting. (THANKS :))

His mixtape releases Nov. 23!

Here are a few of the raw shots from the shoot I did today. You can click on the photos for a larger view.

P.S. Leave some comments.. I like constructive criticism.

1 comment :

Sean H said...

Sup Tash? The shots came out good! The camera your working with is dope. I would have liked to see different angles, maybe played with the light a lil more like in the first shot, maybe even a black and white pic messing around with the contrast. I'm not a photographer lol. But other then that, the model is photogenic, so that always help when taking pics. Overall, dope stuff! Just my two pennies :)